ECLOC Collaborative Intake Form

The Early Childhood Leaders of Color Collaborative is a national, self-organized network for leaders of color in early childhood. Please complete the form below to share a bit about yourself so that we can welcome you and get you onboarded into the Collaborative. 
The Early Childhood Leaders of Color Collaborative is a national, self-organized, self-determined network for leaders of color in early childhood (pre-natal to 5+ years old) that affirms the experiences of EC LOC and centers liberation as our end goal. The Collaborative: 
  1. Provides opportunities for fellowship, shared dreaming, restoration, and healing.
  2. Uses collective power to advocate for transformative policy and funding changes.
  3. Engages in culturally responsive and equity-centered capacity building and professional development.
  4. Uses stories and narrative power to learn from each other and educate funders and policymakers .

How do you identify?

Select all that apply.

About You

Search for your organization and enter the name in full if it is not in the existing list.

Programming and Offering Insights

The insights shared below will help the Early Childhood Leaders of Color Collaborative Working Group better determine and design programming and other offerings for Collaborative members in support of our vision. Details and additional color are very helpful! 

Self-mantra questions (pre-survey)

For each of our Mantras of Success, please share your level of agreement for how much the statement applies to you as of today. 

These Mantras of Success were self-determined and co-created by the EC LOC Planning Committee as a way to give voice to the intended impact that the EC LOC Collaborative might have on individual members, the Collaborative community and the ECD ecosystem as a whole. 
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

Thanks for your interest!

We hope we can connect with you again in the future.

In the meantime, if you're a social entrepreneur that's not yet in the Promise Venture Network, consider connecting join the Promise Venture Network or subscribing to our newsletter